Friday, November 3, 2017


( 5 )Pancha Maha Yagnyas

17)Pancha Yagyam- DevaYagya
18)Pancha Yagyam-Pithru Yagya
19)Pancha Yagyam-Bhota Yagya
20)Pancha Yagyam-Manu Yagya
21)Pancha Yagyam-BhramYagya

(7) Saptha Paka Yagnyas

22)Sapta Paka Yagyas-Ashtaka
23)Sapta Paka Yagyas-Parvana Stalipaka
24)Sapta Paka Yagyas-Masika Shraaddha
25)Sapta Paka Yagyas-Shravani
26)Sapta Paka Yagyas-Aagrhayani
27)Sapta Paka Yagyas-Chaitree
28)Sapta Paka Yagyas-Aashvayuji

( 7 )Saptha Soma Yagnas

29)Sapta Soma Yagyas-Agnishtomam
30)Sapta Soma Yagyas-Atyagnishtomam
31)Sapta Soma Yagyas-Ukthyam
32)Sapta Soma Yagyas-Shodashi
33)Sapta Soma Yagyas-Vajapeyam
34)Sapta Soma Yagyas-Aptoryamam
35)Sapta Soma Yagyas-Atirattram

( 7 )Saptha Havir Yagnas

36)Sapta Havir Yagyas-Agni Aadheyam
37)Sapta Havir Yagyas-Agnihotram
38)Sapta Havir Yagyas-Darshapoornamasam
39)Sapta Havir Yagyas-Aagrhayanam
40)Sapta Havir Yagyas-Chaturmasyam
41)Sapta Havir Yagyas-Nirudha Pashu Bandham
42)Sapta Havir Yagyas-Soutramanee

Pitru Samskaras (8) 

1. Garbhadhanam 2. Pumsavanam 3. Seemantham 4. Jatakarma 5. Namakaranm 6. Anna Prasanam 7. Choodakaranam 8. Upanayanam

Guru Samskaras (4)

9. Prajapatya Vrata 10. Soumya Vrata 11. Agneya Vrata 12. Vaiswadeva Vrata

Swa Samskaras (7) 

13. Snatakam 14. Vivaham 15. Deva Yagna 16. Pitru Yagna 17. Bhootha Yagna 18. Manushya yagna 19. brahma yagna. Saptha Paka- Havir- Soma Yagnas (20) The sacrificial fire is central to all vedic ritual. It is usually lit inside a fire altar made of bricks and/or mud to exacting specifications. The construction of fire altars involved a high level of geometrical and mathematical knowledge.Yajnas of increasing levels of complexity have an increasing number of fire altars.The word "yajna" is a noun derived from the sanskrit verb root "yaj", which is usually translated as "to sacrifice". The basis of yajna is the pouring of food offerings or oblations into Agni, the sacrificial fire. The mythological explanation set forth by the post-vedic literature is that Agni receives the oblations poured into him, and carries them to the celestials for whom the oblations are intended.Yajnas may be broadly classified into domestic [grhya] and public [shrauta ie "of the shruti (veda)"]. The shrauta sacrifices may themselves be classified into Soma sacrifices [soma yajna] and non-Soma sacrifices [haviryajna]. The Soma sacrifices are special in that they involve the purchase, extraction and consumption of the ancient hallucinogen, Soma. The different yajnas and their classification is given below: There are numerous sacrifices other than those listed. However this list is quite representative of all yajnas because the others are either variations of the above, or are highly specialized (and therefore, rare) sacrifices (eg. Rajasuya; Ashvamedha).


20. Ashtaka 21.Parvana 22. Shraddha 23. SravaNi 24. Agrahayani 25. Chaitre 26. Ashvayuji.


    27. Agnyadheya 28. Agnihotra 29. Darshapaurnamasya 30. Chaturmasya 
    (Vaisvadeva, Varunapraghasa, sakamedha, Sunarasiya) 31. Agrayaneshti 32. Niruudha
    pashubandha  33. Sautramani
    34. Agnishtoma 35. Atyagnishtoma 36. Ukthya 37. Shodashi 38. Vajapeya 39. Atirathra
    40. Aptoryama ​ Aatma Guna’ (8)41.Daya 42. Kshanthi 43.Anasuya 44. Soucham 45. Anayasam
    46.Mangalyam 47. Akarpanyam & 48.Aspruha

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